Defence shows the need for new helicopters to the public by means of an action video

 30. 09. 2019      category: Army of the Czech Republic
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The new video, which is placed on the official YouTube channel of the Ministry of Defence, and, consequently, the Army of the Czech Republic, has a clear and direct message. The Air Force Commander of the Army of the Czech Republic follows the well-aimed speech of the Chief of the General Staff Aleš Opata by means of the video, and, furthermore, he emphasizes the need to replace the obsolete technology. This, of course, covers the Mi-24 machine or the Mi-35.

Picture: MIL Mi-35 in the service of the Army of the Czech Republic | Flicker with the consent of the owner 

“I am General Hromek and I have an important message for you. We must not oversleep. Dependence on the Russian technology is unbearable, modernization is inevitable. The helicopters are next at this moment,” announces General Hromek at the beginning of an action and dynamically conceived video. Words of several pilots who explain why it is necessary to look for new equipment follow. The old equipment corresponds to its age and our people cannot perform what they are required to perform. Moreover, it is said of a need of machines that are proven in the combat with a high degree of self-protection, a number of modern-day sensors, weapons and an overall modern, up-to-date concept.  Then, the information about the purchase of the entire system, i.e. including equipment and armament, follows.

Video: New helicopters of the Army of the Czech Republic / YouTub

The shots of UH-1Y Venom and AH-1Z Viper are used in the cutaways. These discussed two should be purchased later this year, which means the signature of this contract with the supply up to 2023, based on the communication from the Defence Minister Lubomir Metnar. Currently, the US Marine Corps are the only user of these machines. Regarding AH-1Z Viper, Pakistan has also ordered twelve machines.  Reportedly, it has received ten of them this year. If the contract is signed, the Czech Republic will become the second or third country using this platform of the two military helicopters from the Bell company.

Picture: Simulation of UH-1Y Venom helicopters (in the foreground) and AH-1Z Viper in the Czech camouflage. | Bell

The Ministry of Defence received two options for the purchase of helicopters from the US government at the end of June. The Americans offered either 12 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters for 13.2 billion Czech Korunas or eight UH-1Y Venom helicopters together with four AH-1Z Viper combat machines for a total amount of 14.5 billion Czech Korunas, while the defence inclined to combination of the two machines.  The price offered includes helicopters, as well as weapon system & equipment, ammunition, maintenance, education and training of personnel.

 Author: Patrik Beran

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