Military Doctors from the USA Have Arrived in the Czech Republic, Other Allies Will Help as Well
On Thursday, October 29, the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic approved a mandate for the stay of up to 300 military doctors and medical personnel from the NATO and EU countries. Now there is nothing that would prevent the Czech Republic from receiving assistance from members of these organizations.
Over the weekend, seven members of the US Armed Forces (one doctor and logisticians) arrived to assess the situation, determine the number and specialization of the rest of the group, and prepare for its arrival next week. Yesterday, a member of the French army, a pharmacologist specializing in field hospitals, also arrived in the Czech Republic. A comprehensive joint request from the Ministries of Defence and Health was submitted to the North Atlantic Alliance on Thursday. British and German contributions are also discussed.
Picture: Over the weekend, seven members of the US Armed Forces (one doctor and logisticians) arrived to assess the situation, determine the number and specialization of the rest of the group, and prepare for its arrival next week. (illustrative photo) |
"This is a real gesture of aid and solidarity, which confirms that the partnership in NATO and the EU are not just empty statements," said Defence Minister Lubomír Metnar.

The consent approved by the Parliament allows the stay of up to 300 military medical personnel from the member states of the above-mentioned organizations on the territory of the Czech Republic for a maximum period of 90 days. In the case of deployment, foreign soldiers will operate without weapons and always in cooperation with Czech medical personnel. The use of medical staff from the USA is planned at the Central Military Hospital in Prague, and their further work will be decided by the Ministry of Health.
A few days ago, the national guards of Texas and Nebraska offered the Czech Republic the help of sending their specialists to our country. The Czech army has long-term partnerships with the above-mentioned guards. The arrival is discussed of a total of 28 military doctors and paramedics who have experience in the fight against Covid-19 from the United States.
As part of the fight against coronavirus, our soldiers also recently finished building a backup hospital in Letňany, Prague. This hospital is located in the area of PVA EXPO Letňany and is a backup facility that will be launched when the capacity in traditional hospitals runs out. The facility in Letňany will then become another workplace of the Hospital in Bulovka. "Given the exponential growth of the number of the infected, there is no doubt that a backup workplace is needed. We also have to reckon with the fact that our current capacity will be exhausted," said the director of the hospital, Jan Kvaček. If this happens, according to him, the backup hospital in Letňany will host the patients who have already undergone treatment in a regular hospital and whose condition will not be serious, but who will still be positive for COVID and require medical care. From the organization point of view, the Letňany Hospital falls under the Bulovka Hospital as an after-care department. The backup hospital in Letňany is staffed by the army, mostly members of the 6th and 7th Army Field Hospitals and other military medics. 200 members of military medical personnel are prepared in case of activation of the hospital. If necessary, they will be supplemented by civilian medical staff. Furthermore, there will also be 248 soldiers for the needs of the hospital (after-care with three-shift operation): 25 doctors, 143 other medical staff, 80 medical orderlies.
Picture: As part of the fight against coronavirus, our soldiers also recently finished building a backup hospital in Letňany, Prague. |
This is of course not the only help from the army. In addition to providing care in its hospitals, it assists in the following places and facilities:
- Reinforcing call centers of hygienic stations
- Testing and sampling
- Assistance in nursing homes and social care homes
- Military hospitals in Prague, Brno and Olomouc
- Involvement of military experts in smart quarantine