PERUN vehicle with many innovations met a significant interest at DSEI in London

 22. 09. 2019      category: Exhibitions/Forums/Conferences
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The Perun vehicle was at the show presented in a new configuration with added protective elements. The front part of the vehicle was covered by a removeable multispectral mobile masking system from the Czech B.O.I.S. Filtry company. It is intended for masking of the vehicle in the visible light spectra as well as in infrared and microwave spectra.

Picture: SVOS at DSEI 

Further the vehicle was equipped with acoustic rifle fire detectors allowing to detect the fire around vehicle even of bullets just passing by without hit, but also to determine the fire direction and shooter´s distance. This very effective system brings to the crew an unparalleled level of battlefield awareness even in noisy environment. The last new element was a non-lethal blinding flash light system used not only for active defence against approaching suspects, but can be used also for protection against snipers and other threats. Together with the unparalleled blast and ballistic protection the Perun vehicle, as presented at the show, demonstrated the highest available level of protection which can be with current vehicles met.

Picture: PERUN 4x4

The level of protection and modularity of the vehicle and great firepower were well confirmed by numerous delegations of special forces from several countries visiting SVOS stand. Although the company focused on the Perun vehicle, with no less interest were the visitors asking about armoured vehicles produced by the company. With regards to the frequent requests of its customers, the TRAAM s.r.o. subsidiary company was presenting its capabilities at SVOS stand and also at its own stand located within the official Czech Republic exhibition area.    

Picture: PERUN 4x4 

General director of SVOS, spol. s r.o. Mr. Jaroslav Černý is summarizing the company presence at DSEI as follows: “The DSEI exhibition is a traditional even for us, were we present to our selected customers news in our portfolio and so also happened this year. We are proud we had achieved to present the Perun vehicle in a configuration with protection level and capabilities no other vehicle at the show reached. It is confirming that our vehicle concept is correct and brings to our operators higher added value than is usual on the market. We had a chance to talk to many suppliers of innovative solutions as well and integration of some of those devices will even further increase the combat value of our vehicle.” 

 Author: Petr Žák

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