How and where to look for information about the Czech defense and security industry?

 31. 07. 2021      category: Events
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The Czech defense and security industry has a long tradition, a great reputation and huge potential. And they know it well in the world - up to 90% of the production of the Czech defense and security industry is exported. But it would be a mistake to think that it is only an export of ammunition, weapons, tanks and heavy military equipment. This is how the media present it, because it is convenient for them to box the defense and security industry as an arms industry. And armourers, they are the bad ones, death traders, warmongers and lovers of killing. Leaving aside these crazy templates, we find that in the defense and security industry we find a number of areas and industries that are very important not only in everyday life, but also in emergency situations. And also that Czech manufacturers definitely have something to offer in these areas.

dita_TITPicture: Up to 90% of the production of the Czech defense and security industry is exported (pictured DITA 155 mm wheeled howitzer) | EXCALIBUR ARMY / CC BY-NC-ND

If anti-military activists wanted quality information, it would be enough for them to look at the website of the Defense and Security Industry Association (AOBP), which currently has over 130 members. On the AOBP website we have a list of all members together with their profiles - here you will get information about the focus of each company and its main products and activities. In addition, we constantly update member profiles as needed. And if you are interested in more details, you will also find the Catalog of Security and Defense Technologies (KBOT), published every two years by the member company MS Line, on the AOBP website. The graphically clear catalog contains information not only about individual companies, but mainly about their key products. The association has also launched a new tool to promote its members' products and services through the Publi platform, created by our member, the software company AURA. This created an electronic library where member companies can place their promotional materials. This is another possibility of promotion in virtual form. The whole company brochures and catalogs, as well as partial products can be placed on Publi.

The AOBP website also offers other information from the field of defense and security industry, especially a list of the most important events, especially exhibitions and fairs, Czech and foreign. During the covid-19 pandemic, fairs often occurred and unfortunately trade fairs are still being canceled and moved, but thanks to the regular updating of this information on the AOBP website, member companies will not miss anything and will find everything in one place. A web calendar will soon appear, making events even more transparent.

On the Association's website, you will of course also find information about the AOBP itself, such as how to become a member, what membership entails, or what the Association does, how it works and what its structure and organizational units are. Media mentions of AOBP are published on our website or Facebook page. Through the AOBP website, member companies and foreign partners can obtain information on the possibilities of involvement in NATO and EU industrial bodies. Thanks to AOBP membership, individual members can take advantage of the advanced features of the association website and access the AOBP mobile application. And what can they find there? Very useful information that is not accessible to anyone other than our members.

If for the next time journalists or activists are looking for and looking for information about the Czech defense and security industry, I am happy to refer it to the AOBP website. There they will clearly find everything they need to know about not only the arms industry, but the defense and security industry in general. And that's not enough. Because they will find out how wide a range of different areas it represents and what companies make it up. They may be surprised to find that AOBP "gunsmiths" bring together companies in the fields of aerospace, electrical engineering, integrated rescue equipment, flood defenses, chemical and biological weapons protection, radar systems, and cyber security. And that the members are also universities and research institutes, thanks to which we connect industry with science, research and development, which increases the innovation potential and competitiveness of Czech industry and contributes to scientific progress and its practical use. After all, a number of AOBP member firms have been significantly involved in managing the current pandemic. But it is clear to me that helping people in crisis or collaborating with academia and research does not draw as much as headlines about armaments. In any case, for those who have a real and sincere interest in learning something about the Czech defense and security industry, AOBP and its team are always fully available. For starters, I recommend visiting our website and reading. And contact us anytime.

 Author: Jiří Hynek

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