Military High School – hope or dead failure?

Military High School – hope or dead failure?

Bad success. It is also a way how endeavour to establish an affiliated branch of the Military High School in Moravská Třebová could be evaluated. Sokolov isn’t…

 26. 08. 2019
Is the future of the Czech Army on one platform real? TITUS could give an answer.

Is the future of the Czech Army on one platform real? TITUS could give an answer.

The Army is currently being upgraded and, as part of it, 62 TITUS armoured vehicles is to be purchased. This purchase was approved by the Government at the end…

 22. 08. 2019
Incident in Afghanistan shouldn’t shake the General Staff

Incident in Afghanistan shouldn’t shake the General Staff

The event dated 22nd October 2018, after which the Army of the Czech Republic lost in Afghanistan a top-class dog-handler, Staff-Sergeant Tomáš Procházka, very shook the whole…

 19. 08. 2019
The army aviation shipping capacities are insufficient

The army aviation shipping capacities are insufficient

The Army of the Czech Republic, respectively the Ministry of Defence, is going to buy a new plane, which might convey 19 persons and has to cost up to 578…

 16. 08. 2019
Quotations for new IFV till October

Quotations for new IFV till October

The multi-round tendering procedure for the delivery of 210 new tracked infantry fighting vehicles has advanced to the next phase. All four suppliers will participate in it…

 13. 08. 2019
New helicopters for the Czech Army. The time has come to choose.

New helicopters for the Czech Army. The time has come to choose.

Permanent procrastination of the Ministry of Defence related to the procurement of new helicopters looks slightly funny with regard to the time which lapsed from the first…

 12. 08. 2019
Three quarters of Czech citizens trust the Army. Least of all the supporters of TOP 09, SPD and KSČM

Three quarters of Czech citizens trust the Army. Least of all the supporters of TOP 09, SPD and KSČM

The significant majority of the Czech citizens have confidence in the Czech Army (75 %) and the Police of the Czech Republic (72 %). Compared to the last-year survey, trustfulness…

 07. 08. 2019
Filip Říha became new Deputy Minister - Head of the Armaments and Acquisition Division of the Ministry of Defence

Filip Říha became new Deputy Minister - Head of the Armaments and Acquisition Division of the Ministry of Defence

On 1st August 2019, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Petr Vančura, by agreement with the Minister of Defence Lubomír Metnar, nominated Filip Říha as Deputy…

 02. 08. 2019
Is integrity of NATO under threat?

Is integrity of NATO under threat?

Turkey, a member state already since 1952. The past few years, however, have shown that slowly but surely it becomes not an ally but a possible aggressor, which absolutely…

 01. 08. 2019
Rocket launchers in the Czech Army as a reaction for asymmetric conflicts?

Rocket launchers in the Czech Army as a reaction for asymmetric conflicts?

Multiple rocket launchers are back in play around the world. After many years, when barrel artillery, suitable for precise aimed fire, was especially preferred, rocket launchers take…

 30. 07. 2019
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