Military police officers from the Protective Service Command took over the operational task in Kosovo

Military police officers from the Protective Service Command took over the operational task in Kosovo

This is the third time that the Military Police (MP) have been deployed to Kosovo. At the beginning of July, the members of the 2nd unit, which was part of the international…

 17. 07. 2024
4th Rapid Deployment Brigade: Where others fall short - the vision of modern warfare

4th Rapid Deployment Brigade: Where others fall short - the vision of modern warfare

This year, the 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade "Defence of the Nation" celebrates its 30th anniversary. The brigade was established on 1 July 1994, had ten units and until 2003 had its…

 15. 07. 2024
Information literacy is essential in the fight against hybrid threats

Information literacy is essential in the fight against hybrid threats

The topic of hybrid threats and related information literacy has received a lot of attention recently. In hybrid warfare, non-military means are now as important as military…

 14. 07. 2024
Experience with CV90 vehicles from the Ukrainian battlefield: perfection in practice

Experience with CV90 vehicles from the Ukrainian battlefield: perfection in practice

The CV90 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) has proven itself in practical combat conditions in Ukraine, where its performance has received positive feedback from both soldiers and…

 12. 07. 2024
The Ministry of Defence plans to purchase up to 872 Tatra Force vehicles

The Ministry of Defence plans to purchase up to 872 Tatra Force vehicles

The Ministry of Defence plans to conclude a framework agreement for the purchase of Tatra Force heavy trucks with Tatra Defence Systems s.r.o. The aim is to replace obsolete…

 11. 07. 2024
God is on the side that has the best artillery

God is on the side that has the best artillery

This is how one could translate Napoleon Bonaparte's statement "Dieu est du côté de la meilleure artillerie". Napoleon was, among other things, an artillery general during his…

 10. 07. 2024
Heavy equipment at Eurosatory 2024, in which the Czech Army has already shown or might show interest in the future

Heavy equipment at Eurosatory 2024, in which the Czech Army has already shown or might show interest in the future

At the recent Eurosatory 2024, a major international exhibition for defence technologies and military equipment, a wide array of intriguing military wheeled and tracked equipment…

 09. 07. 2024
Gen. Petr Milčický: All key projects are on schedule, Pandurs await military recommendation

Gen. Petr Milčický: All key projects are on schedule, Pandurs await military recommendation

The Force Development Section of the Ministry of Defence is one of the key parts of the Army. Its director is Brigadier General Petr Milčický, who is directly…

 08. 07. 2024
Russian defence reinforcement or a hidden threat?

Russian defence reinforcement or a hidden threat?

According to media reports, in June North Korea was to send an engineer unit or units to Ukraine to participate in the reconstruction of the Donetsk…

 07. 07. 2024
Strategic communication as the basis for trust in the state and the key to maintaining democratic values

Strategic communication as the basis for trust in the state and the key to maintaining democratic values

What is the role of the state in communicating values in society? Does civil society need strategic communication from the state to operate? And what are the risks…

 06. 07. 2024
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